
Find the right Liechtenstein Visa for your trip with price, requirements, and application time

Die Notwendigkeit, ein Visum für Liechtenstein zu beantragen, nimmt den ganzen Spaß am Reisen.
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Experte für Liechtenstein Visa-Dienstleistungen seit 2003, VisaHQ ist eine private Visa-Agentur, die nicht mit der Regierung von Liechtenstein verbunden ist. VisaHQ bietet Expediting Services für Visa nach Liechtenstein und erhebt eine Servicegebühr. Sehen Sie, wie wir in 90 Sekunden vergleichen Video 
  • n
    nicht erforderlich
  • n
    nicht erforderlich
Ein Visum ist nicht erforderlich für dieses Reiseziel.

Für einen Aufenthalt von bis zu 90 Tagen innerhalb eines Zeitraums von 180 Tagen ist kein Visum erforderlich.

Für einen Aufenthalt von bis zu 90 Tagen innerhalb eines Zeitraums von 180 Tagen ist kein Visum erforderlich.

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    Leider bietet VisaHQ derzeit keinen Service für dieses Land an.

    Ein Visum ist nicht erforderlich für dieses Reiseziel.

    Ein Visum ist nicht erforderlich für dieses Reiseziel.

    Hört sich gut an! Was muss ich sonst noch wissen, wenn ich eine Reise nach Liechtenstein plane?
    • Prüfen Sie zunächst die Gültigkeit Ihres Passes.

    • Zweitens, stellen Sie sicher, dass Sie freie Seiten für Visa haben.

    • Lassen Sie sich informieren, ob Sie für Ihre Anschlussflüge Transit-Visa brauchen.

      Fragen Sie bei Ihrer Fluggesellschaft nach, falls Sie internationale Anschlussflüge auf Ihrer Reise nach Liechtenstein haben. Möglicherweise benötigen Sie für Länder, durch die Sie zu Ihrem Ziel reisen, zusätzliche Transitvisa. Siehe Visabestimmungen des entsprechenden Landes
    Zusätzliche Informationen
      • Visum überprüfen

      Liechtenstein Visa Policy

      Under the current visa policy of Liechtenstein, any visitors coming to the country must obtain a visa in advance unless they are from a visa-exempt country. Liechtenstein is a member of the Schengen zone, having signed the Schengen Agreement with other member states. This allows it to practice an open border policy similar to other nations in the zone.

      EU citizens are free to travel to Liechtenstein without visas or passports in accordance with Schengen protocols, and they can remain in the country for a significant period of time.

      As for non-EU visitors who are from visa-exempt countries, they can visit Liechtenstein without visas, but they must hold an ETIAS approval and a valid passport.

      Liechtenstein operates the same visa waiver list as other Schengen countries and it is updated frequently. Visitors from eligible countries may visit the country and stay for up to 90 days per visit. They may also travel to other countries in the Schengen zone if they choose to.

      Liechtenstein Schengen Visa

      Liechtenstein issues Schengen visas to visitors who do not qualify for visa-free entry under the visa waiver program. This visa is valid for 180 days and allows the holder to stay in the country for up to 90 days. Schengen visa holders can visit for business or pleasure but cannot work with the visa. They must visit any Liechtenstein embassy or consulate abroad to obtain this visa. It will also interest you to know that visitors can also use the same visa to enter any other Schengen country, provided they don't stay beyond 90 days

      Liechtenstein ETIAS

      The European Travel Information and Authorization System (ETIAS) is a ln online authorization program issued to visitors who qualify for visa exemption. This system will go into full operation in 2024, and only those with it will be allowed to visit Liechtenstein or any other Schengen country. The standard practice is for visa-exempt visitors to visit with only their passports; however, this will change as EU authorities demand ETIAS for entry.

      This program is aimed at strengthening the border security of European countries. The application form contains security questions that must be answered. Completed forms are processed within a few minutes of submission, and the ETIAS will be forwarded to the applicant's email. It is valid for 3 years and issued as a multiple-entry document that can be used to visit several countries. The maximum length of stay is 90 days in 180 days.

      ETIAS is available for short stays for several purposes like medical treatment, transit, business, and tourism. So feel free to choose from among these options.

      Key Information About Liechtenstein ETIAS and Other Travel Information

      Not For Transit: Kindly note that you cannot transit to other countries by air through Liechtenstein because the country doesn't have an airport. Visitors can only land a the nearest airports in neighboring Switzerland or Austria before traveling by land through the borders to Liechtenstein.

      Not For Work: Holders of ETIAS approvals are not allowed to hold a job throughout their stay in Liechtenstein. You must secure a work visa if you wish to work in the country. Work visas are issued by foreign missions abroad.

      Validity: Your ETIAS is valid for three years but may expire sooner if the Passport it is attached to expires. If you want your Etias approval to last for a long time, we recommend applying for a new passport first.

      Passport: Anytime traveling to Schengen Europe, you must always use the Passport you used for the registration. You cannot afford to use a different passport as the approval is linked to the original Passport. Persons who arrive with a different passport not registered with the authorities will not be allowed into the country.

      Flight Travelers: Liechtenstein doesn't have a national airport for flight travelers, so you must use the airport in Switzerland or Austria. Before deciding which airport to use, be sure of your final destination in Liechtenstein, then pick the airport that is nearer to the place. Since Austria and Switzerland are countries that recognize ETIAS, you will have no issue la with the border agents of both countries. You only have to show them your documents and answer any questions they might ask. Ask your booking agent to help you out if you need help.

      Duration of Stay: ETIAS only allows you to stay in the country for 90 days maximum. This rule applies to single or multiple-country visitors. As soon as you set foot in Liechtenstein or any other EU country, the time starts counting from the next day. Your 90-day visits must also be calculated within 180 days period; that means you can only remain within the European Union for up to 90 days in 6 months. Persons who wish to stay longer must exit and re-enter after 6 months.

      Rejected Applications: The European Commission has announced that persons whose applications are rejected may still apply and get approval later as long as they meet the requirements. A one-time rejection doesn't mean that the approval will never be given, as applications may be rejected due to no fault of the applicant.

      Eligibility: It's important to reiterate that application for ETIAS is only open to visitors from countries currently on the EU visa waiver list. If you can visit the Region without a visa but only your Passport, you are eligible for ETIAS once it becomes mandatory next year. If you are not from a visa waiver country, this online authorization is not for you. Apply for a Schengen visa.

      ETIAS is not a Visa: Also note that ETIAS is not a visa but an entry authorization. You cannot use it to stay in Liechtenstein permanently or work there. It is only for temporary visits.

      Liechtenstein e Visa Online – Get your Liechtenstein e-Visa with VisaHQ

      If you are planning a trip to Liechtenstein in Europe, you may need to apply for a visa if your Passport doesn't qualify you for visa-free entry. As with other countries, Liechtenstein issues different types of visas, but the one that is easiest to obtain is the online visa. This visa takes a few days to process, and travelers can get theirs at short notice.

      How To Apply For ETIAS With VisaHQ

      Did you know you can apply for our online travel authorization for Europe with VisaHQ? Our platform is open to visitors who wish to visit the European Union on short trips. You only have to take a few steps to complete the application. Here they are.

      Complete the form: The ETIAS application form will only take a few minutes to complete; simply fill out the form with your details. There are sections for travel, Passport, and personal details, including security questions you must answer.

      Upload documents: Scanned copies of the required documents must be uploaded for review by the authorities. Only upload valid documents that are yours.

      Pay the fee: The application fee must be paid before submitting your form. This fee is paid with a credit or debit card. After paying the fee, submit it for approval.

      Get your approval: The process only takes a few minutes, and once approved, the confirmation will be sent to your email.

      Why Use VisaHQ?

      Using VisaHQ for your application is the best course of action because you limit the possibilities of mistakes and delays. We have experts to guide you so you get the application right the first time and avoid rejections. We offer

      • Technical support
      • A user-friendly platform
      • Access to submit multiple applications
      • Advanced data protection
      • Online application status tracking

      These are some of the benefits of using our tested and trusted platform. Visit the main page now to apply.

      Liechtenstein COVID-19 Reisebeschränkungen

      • Der Eintritt ist geöffnet
        Liechtenstein ist für Reisende geöffnet. Die Einwanderungs- und Zollangelegenheiten für Liechtenstein werden von der Schweiz abgewickelt. Bürger und Einwohner von EU-Mitgliedsländern und Schengen-Ländern können in die Schweiz reisen, wobei für einige Ankünfte zusätzliche Verfahren gelten. Geimpfte Ankommende aus anderen Ländern dürfen ebenfalls einreisen.
        Voraussetzungen vor der Ankunft
        Gültiger Reisepass. Gültiger nationaler Reisepass mit einer Restgültigkeit von mindestens 6 Monaten nach dem Abreisedatum.
        Gültiges Visum. Bitte beachten Sie die oben stehenden Anweisungen, wenn ein Visum erforderlich ist, und beantragen Sie es.

      Häufig gestellte Fragen zum Liechtenstein-Visum

          Liechtenstein Botschaft Liste in United States of America

          Liechtenstein Zoll

          Importvorschriften Exportvorschriften Gesundheit und Sicherheit Kontaktieren Sie die Zollbehörden
              Für weitere Unterstützung wenden Sie sich bitte direkt an die Zollbehörden von liechtensteinische. Sie werden Ihnen die neuesten Informationen zu Zollvorschriften und Export-Import-Verfahren zur Verfügung stellen.

              • Telefon

              Für weitere Informationen zu Reisebeschränkungen, Sicherheitswarnungen, politischen Aktualisierungen und grundlegenden Reiserichtlinien wenden Sie sich bitte an die nächstgelegene Botschaft von liechtensteinische.


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